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3.3 - Sally's Start-Up Checklist

3.3 - Sally's Start-Up Checklist

Q Running head: COMPANY FORMATION Sally's Request Since Sally knows that you have watched the SBA transcripts designed for entrepreneurs starting small businesses, she would like for you to do some background work based on what you have learned. Sally's Questions • Sally has written down her questions in the Requirements for Starting a New Business: Background Work - Business Requirements (DOCX). Download Requirements for Starting a New Business: Background Work - Business Requirements (DOCX).She asks that you download the document, answer the ten questions, and submit your answers for the assignment. Use the information from the SBA transcripts as your guide. • The SWOT Matrix Form (PDF) Download SWOT Matrix Form (PDF)will assist you in completing Sally's Requirement Sheet. • Once you have answered all of Sally's questions, name your document, and submit the completed document with your answers and your completed SWOT Matrix Form. • Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (3.3). Do not add punctuation or special characters. Requirements For Starting a New Business Background Work Business Requirements 1. Review the resources provided and analyze your business idea by doing a SWOT analysis (provide SWOT Chart). 2. Assess yours and Sally’s strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur 3. What are your business and personal goals? 4. Assess and list your financial resources and identify potential sources of funds. 5. What are the financial risks of this adventure? 6. Determine the start-up costs? 7. Why is business location important? 8. What does the market research indicate? 9. Identify your customer market. 10. Identify your competitors.

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The strengths and weaknesses which include within us as an entrepreneur are: COMPANY FORMATION 3 The capital we collected for the start-up, I from the network marketing operations and investments and Sally from the government sponsored catering contracts. Adjoining capital stands as a biggest strength to start a new business. The weakness which I find in our plan to start a business is the role played by the staff; if we do not get adequate staff then our plan might not be accomplished. A restaurant is incomplete without good staffs and acts as a weakness for the owners.